Saturday, January 23, 2010

From MTC

February 16, 2009

Hey everyone :) things are going great so far up here! It is not near as bad as i thought it would be. I have learned so much already . I can already pray in espanol and almost bear my testimony. Its so cool to see how fast you can learn a language up here. So how is life in Marysvale ? I can't believe it has already been almost a week since i left. How is Chelsie and her knee doing ? I hope everything is okay with all that. How did the girls do at region and you will have to let me know how they do at state . Also anything else that is happening down there. They keep us way busy up here , so the only day we can write emails or letters are on mondays cuz thats our P day . We went to the temple today and we get to go every monday, so thats good cuz we get away from the mtc for a while. I have some cool roomates that are way funny and I have some really good teachers. We basically are in the same classroom all day except for meetings and eating ha you would think that time would go by so slow, but it I think it actually goes by fast because we are always doing something. Make sure and tell Grandma thanks for the letter and the package or she can just read this i guess and i can talk to everyone in my emails. So if anyone family wants me to email them please give them my email address! I also know that i got another package on saturday, but i don't know who it was from, because the mail closed before i could pick it up and it is closed til tomorrow. Well i hope everything is going good and make sure to let me know what is going on down there . please forward this to whoever wants to hear whats going on. Love ya
Elder Sylvester

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