Saturday, January 23, 2010

April 27, 2009

hey mom and everyone who reads this !

Things are good here in valle hermoso. As far as i know the flu hasn't reached here yet ! But we had a meeting about it today with the pres and he told us everything that we need to do and what precautions to take. And they are going to keep us updated. but anyway not much time to talk so enough of that haha. Sounds like things are good ! As for the living conditions and food and what not: We make are own breakfast usually cereal haha then at 2:00 we eat with the members, which has actually been really good food! Then at 900 when we return we have something for dinner i usually just make sandwiches. We have a washer at our house and we just hang dry the clothes . For p days we write on here, buy groceries, clean, play sports, etc. There isnt really anything to do here tourist wise haha but its all good. The people here are really nice and it is kind of a different place but i like it. Some people are really poor and others are rich. Some big houses and some tiny tiny shacks. The people in the big houses never want to listen though. Too stuck up, but the poorer people are so nice and usually take time to listen. I will try to take some pics of the beautiful scenery and send some on here next week. It sounds like maybe you guys are going to fix up the backyard huh '? ha jk, Well The people at the mission office were supposed to send the letter, so who knows when, but i am going to send another one tomorrow, so let me know when it gets there k ! Oh and the 10th is moms day right? I will let you know when i am going to call k? Well Sounds like things are good ! I am slowly learning everything ! I will be careful and get to a doctor if i get sick ! Take care mom ! love ya bye p.s i havent seen any mt dew yet idk if it exists here haha oh well i havent been drinking much pop. The work is hard but i love it and time flies ! Tell everyone hi ! love ya all ! ELDER SYLVESTER

From Hermoso

April 20, 2009


So I made it to my area ! It is a lot different than Monterrey. Most of the people are really poor. And most of the roads are dirt. All the people are really nice though and it seems like everyone wants to listen to us. We have taught a ton of lessons already and we have two people that are going to be baptized either this sunday or the next! It is really hard for me to understand the people! I can only understand a few things that say haha. But i am learning and i think it will come sooner or later . Well i didn't receive any videos, so i don't know whats up there? oh well i guess. I havent eaten anything too weird yet, just a lot of rice, tortillas , ground beef and beans haha. They eat tortillas with everything and there is always tortillas ! but they are really good ! I just live with my companion Elder Morales in a little house ha the houses here are a lot different than in the U.S. ! It is really small ! And not the nicest place, but it gets the job done. Yeah i had to buy a bike, It costed like 50 bucks . I think the time here is one hour ahead of the time there if I remember correctly. Well you will have to let me know if you got my letter, and please give everyone the address that i gave you in the last email. Let me know how everyone is doing and what is going on. Things are good here, kind of hard because i can't understand everthing yet, but Its all good and my companion is really good too. The people here are all way nice and it doesn't feel dangerous. Well take care! Love ya bye :) DALLAS

From Monterrey

April 14, 2009

Well I made it ! ha it has been a long couple of days, but they have been good! I found out where I am going to go for my first area last night, I´m going to a place called Hermoso and it is up in the northeast corner of mexico. I guess it is about 5 hours from here ? ha so i have a long ride ahead of me. My companion is mexican, so that is good ha and he speaks a little english so that is good too. I have no idea what it is going to be like up there, but i am way excited to get started. Ha it is way hard to understand what people are saying down here, because they talk so fast ! But i can pick out a few things that they are saying. So anyway they have a mail system here that works the best and they said to use it for packages and everything, because it is quicker and safer. You send the mail to McAllen Texas and the President goes and picks it up every so often. So this way ot will be safer and we want have to pay for foreign stamps . I will write the address for you guys and you can tell everyone else about it. Lets see what else, ha it is way hot down here ! We were wearing our suits yesterday and it was way hot in them, but today it has been a lot better because we didn´t have to wear our suits. My p days are going to be on mondays, so thats when i will be writing emails. I guess you got the money put on my debit card ? I guess i will be able to let you know what my area is like in my next email ! ha it will probably be nothing like it is here in the city. It is crazy here and way cool. There are a ton of mountains around the whole city, so that is cool . I think that someone is supposed to be calling you guys to tell you that we made it okay ? Or maybe they already have ? idk anyway i got to go but I'm doing good ! love ya bye ! Dallas

From MTC

February 25, 2009

Hi mom:)
Well it sounds like you are having tons of fun going to concerts and such ! ha Things are still going good here and I'm still learning a ton. Thanks for the valentines package . Its always good to get mail and packages! Some Elders live and die for it ! I have some pretty cool roomates and a cool district and zone . We have a lot of fun. On sundays it is just like normal sundays except we have some study times in between classes and sacrament. Every sunday night and tuesday nights we have a fireside or devotional. For the fireside last week Elder M Russell Ballard came, so that was awesome. They say that apostles come every like 6 weeks so it was cool to have that for the first one. On P days we only have a couple hours of class, we go to the temple, and we wash our clothes and stuff so its a more relaxed day, but not too relaxed. Every morning we get up at 6:30 regardless of the day and we get back to our rooms at 9:30. Long days! well it sounds like the girls did pretty good, its too bad they lost . Could you send me some more black ankle socks ? like 3 or 4 pair . also maybe some mt dew? ha they are rare around here. Well my time is about to expire so i have to go only have 30 min . Hope everything is going good :) I know i'm where i'm supposed to be . Love ya

From MTC

February 16, 2009

Hey everyone :) things are going great so far up here! It is not near as bad as i thought it would be. I have learned so much already . I can already pray in espanol and almost bear my testimony. Its so cool to see how fast you can learn a language up here. So how is life in Marysvale ? I can't believe it has already been almost a week since i left. How is Chelsie and her knee doing ? I hope everything is okay with all that. How did the girls do at region and you will have to let me know how they do at state . Also anything else that is happening down there. They keep us way busy up here , so the only day we can write emails or letters are on mondays cuz thats our P day . We went to the temple today and we get to go every monday, so thats good cuz we get away from the mtc for a while. I have some cool roomates that are way funny and I have some really good teachers. We basically are in the same classroom all day except for meetings and eating ha you would think that time would go by so slow, but it I think it actually goes by fast because we are always doing something. Make sure and tell Grandma thanks for the letter and the package or she can just read this i guess and i can talk to everyone in my emails. So if anyone family wants me to email them please give them my email address! I also know that i got another package on saturday, but i don't know who it was from, because the mail closed before i could pick it up and it is closed til tomorrow. Well i hope everything is going good and make sure to let me know what is going on down there . please forward this to whoever wants to hear whats going on. Love ya
Elder Sylvester


February 11, 2009
Dallas enters the Missionary Training Center. We were all able to go with Dallas (all except for Chelsie, she just had knee surgery.)


February 8, 2009
Today was Dallas's Farewell. We have been waiting for this day since last October and it went by in like a second! We all thought 4 months was a long time to have to wait, but it went by faster than any of us could have imagined. Dallas did an amazing job with his talk. He really does amaze me, he was so calm and had written the best talk that he could have. You could just tell that he had been preparing himself and he was SO READY to go. I don't think I have ever been to a missionary farewell where the departing missionary was so prepared. He was so ready to leave and dedicate 2 years of his life to teaching the gospel!

~Mission Call~

Saturday October 4, 2008
East Monterrey Mexico

Dallas got his mission call today! We weren't expecting it til next week sometime, so it was a fun surprise! He has been called to serve in the east Monterrey, Mexico mission. He will be speaking spanish and he leaves Feb. 11th. He is so excited and he can't hardly wait to go. We are so proud of him and his decision to serve! Dallas is such a good kid and he is a great example! He is the most positive person we know! He has gone through a couple hard trials already in his life and he always stays positive and happy, he never complains! We love this about him. We know Dallas is going to make a great missionary and help so many people with his positive happy attitude! We love you Dallas and are so happy and excited for you and for the people who are going to get to meet you!